Why Swiftlet Bird Nest is the Caviar of the East

Asian cuisines are characterized as rare, exquisite yet exotic. For every country in the continent, you will find a dish that represents the rich culture of the people. One of these is the Birds Nest soup. If you haven’t heard about this tasty soup, you will be surprised to know where it came from. What…

Birds’ Nest Benefits, Myths and whys? Birdnest Eating FAQs

Birds’ Nest Benefits, Myths and whys? Birdnest Eating FAQs

What is Bird’s Nest? Bird nests are the nests of swiftlet birds, which the male swiftlet made entirely out of his edible saliva. It is harvested and prized to make sweet dessert soup, for its prized nutritious content and flavor. Edible Bird nests are rich in collagen, amino acid, glycoprotein, antioxidants, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium,…

Bird’s nest – uses, recipe and more!

Bird’s nest – uses, recipe and more!

What is bird’s nest made out of? Bird’s nests are made entirely from the edible saliva of the male swiftlet and the nests are highly valued for its nutritional properties, bird’s nests are commonly consumed as a form of beauty food as it is known to boost one’s complexion, immune system and stimulate cell growth….



什么是蜂针疗法?蜂针疗法是什么意思? 蜂针疗法是一种用蜜蜂类产品来治疗从急性和慢性损伤所带来的疾病、症状及长期疼痛的另一个疗法。蜂针疗法(俗称蜂疗)用蜜蜂类产品如蜂蜜、花粉、蜂毒、蜂王浆、蜂胶、蜂蜡等。 (例如:新加坡红珊瑚蜂疗) 我个人在大学时期已对蜂疗有兴趣。我有很长时间的咳嗽,而药剂却不能帮助我太多。因此我转向麦卢卡蜂蜜,而它却帮到我!自此开始,我就阅读了所有关于蜂蜜制品、蜂疗及人类如何在以前的时代使用它的研究。 蜂疗的益处及用途 歷史上,蜂蜜已被用作在各種條件下為補品和補充療法來治療各種狀況。 蜂毒 蜜蜂会产出蜂毒来来刺及保护蜂巢避免外来的攻击。蜂毒治疗已用于一直40多种疾病如疣,关节炎,多发性硬化等。 适用于: 各种风湿肿痛, 持续性的肌肉肿痛, 肩周炎, 颈肩腰受损等症状 用法: 只能外敷。 取适用的量按摩于皮肤处。 每日2-3次。 需要时使用

Why Swiftlet Bird Nest is the Caviar of the East

Asian cuisines are characterized as rare, exquisite yet exotic. For every country in the continent, you will find a dish that represents the rich culture of the people. One of these is the Birds Nest soup. If you haven’t heard about this tasty soup, you will be surprised to know where it came from. What…

Wuhan coronavirus flu outbreak- how to stay safe? how to wear mask against the virus?

Wuhan coronavirus flu outbreak has been keeping the world on high alert, with countries such as Singapore, USA, Thailand, Japan, etc having its first confirmed cases of Wuhan virus. What can you do to stay safe and not catch any flu virus during this period? What face mask is to prevent flu such as Wuhan…

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